Journal Entry #1From Slovenia



9 June 1995

Holy cow!  What a day!  It was great!  We did so much, it was like 3 days put together, if I was home.

I later found out this was always how Sister Groberg, my trainer, worked

This morning we went and visited a member named Tanja.  it was her birthday today and we went and surprised her.  It was the first time I met her and she was so cool.  We talked to her for a long time.  She would make such a good missionary.  She tells everyone about the church.

The Lord must have thought so too, because she did, later, serve a mission in England.

She is also an artist, and very good.

We went tracting after that.  We were let in after only half a blok (a tall apartment building).  The girl’s name was Sabina.  she’s 15 and totally a cute little girl.  If it turns into anything, maybe I’ll give her my address and have her write to Thomas.  J/K!

Anyway, we gave her the 1st discussion and she seemed pretty interested, so we gave her a Book of Mormon and told her about church and the baptism on Sunday.  she said she would come, but she didn’t want to make a 2nd appointment, but that she would call.  It was pretty cool, but who knows.  We will definitely keep in touch with her.  

Oh yeah, there’s a baptism this Sunday.  The man’s name is Josef and he is from Ghana.  I haven’t met him yet, but definitely think it’s cool that he’s getting baptized on my 1st Sunday here in Slovenija.
Oh yeah!  I haven’t said anything really since I got here.  My companion is Sister Grober.  She seems pretty cool.  She’s from Bountiful, UT and her birthday is in October, so that means she has to be cool.  We live in a tiny little apartment.  It’s cute, though.  I like it.  We share it with Sister Fife and Sister DeBlois for another couple of weeks.  Sister DeBlois rode the train with me from Dunaj (Vienna) to Ljubljana.

Wow!  I’m about to fall asleep, but I’ll write again in the morning.

I didn’t write again in the morning.  I rarely wrote again in the morning when I said I would.  In fact, I’m editing out all the,”Man, I’m so lame!  I really need to write more.” entries.  I hope all of my half stories are still able to show what it was really like as a missionary.  In any case, it does gibe you more of a glimpse into who I am.  My head is full of half stories.