P-day Trips!

I’m so close to posting this to the actual date of this journal entry, only 23 years later.  Wow!  I’m getting old.  I’ve been waiting to post this for so long, without even really realizing it.  This was one of my favorite p-day trips.  I was very fortunate to have a mission president, who encouraged us to get to know the culture of the country, once a month, by visiting all the beautiful places we could, as long as it was within 2 hrs from our area.  We were also encouraged to, once a month, go to a cultural event.  Yep!  I had an AWESOME MP!  So, this may not have been the way he would have encourage us to travel, but there are some places you can’t get to by bus or train.  

28 Sept 1995

Wow!  It’s just the next morning and the excitement never stop.  Sister Groberg just called and said Jasna is getting baptized on October 2 with Ivan.  I love it! Now we have to make sure Maja, Manca, and Mateja, Andi, the Rebolj family, well everyone is there.  This is going to be so cool. My heart is skipping just thinking about it.

Yesterday was an awesome adventure of a P-day.  We went to Škocanske Jame, by train, mostly. We then hitchhiked from the station to the caves.  They were so cool! Then we ate and started walking back down, hitched a ride to Postojna, then another to Unec.  That one was kind of scary, because it was in this huge semi truck, and such a typical driver with porn all across his windshield.  It was gross, but he was nice enough, and there were four of us. Hey, Slovenia is safe, right?! Then we hitched to Cerkniško Jezero (commonly referred to as the disappearing lake), with this guy in a tea truck.  He was cool, and hey, it smelled so good from all that čaj. I couldn’t believe we made it there and out in the middle of nowheresville, beautiful, amazing Slovenia. Then we walked and hitched twice back to the train station.  It was definitely fun, and that’s with no detail because I have no time.

Then was our appointment with Manca, and I already wrote about that.

We met with a family tonight that was awesome.  I forgot the mom’s name, but her son was Luka, and her daughter was Barbara.  They are coming to the baptism on Monday.

So, I decided I better add the entry that was from today’s date.  This entry is actual day to day missionary life.  Meeting new people, getting different reactions to us, the gospel, crazy Americans standing out in the cold, this is all part of the experience.  Plus, I love October!  It’s my favorite month of the year.  It’s the magic month.  It’s the beginning of all the magic that lasts the rest of the year.  Let’s start fresh with October.  September is great, so we’ll keep it all together.

30 Sept 1995

Holy cow!  It’s the last day of September.  October is tomorrow! Wow!

Today was pretty cool.  We were freezing our buns off because we were at streetboards all day.  We got two more done. Yay! One is on baptism, and the other on the restored church.  Then while we were carrying them over by Bavarski Dvor, all these people gathered around to find out what we had.  

We taught some interesting people today.  One lady wouldn’t even let us speak. She just wanted the Book of Mormon, then out the door.  Well, who knows. Then we went tracting and we taught this guy in the hallway. It was weird, but he said he’d come to church tomorrow.  His name is Ivan.

I am so excited.  We’re going to have a baptism tomorrow at the sea.  Awesome! When I told Alenka she said she for sure wants to come.  That’s almost better.